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Rehabilitative use of music after stroke

15. Vendredi - 14h - Académie
En anglais !
Galerie de Marbre
Vendredi 22 Mars 2024 à 14:00
  • Professeur associé de neuropsychologie, Université d'Helsinki
La conférence sera donnée en anglais, sans traduction simultanée ; un résumé en français sera disponible. Présentation Camille De Rijck (La Libre Belgique - Diapason)

Music is a stimulating, versatile, and motivating tool for neurological rehabilitation. After stroke, music can be used in many ways to rehabilitate motor, verbal, and cognitive deficits and support emotional well-being. Teppo Särkämö, psychologist and neuroscientist, has led pioneering clinical studies on music-based rehabilitation in neurological populations. He will show how different music-based interventions (music listening, singing, instrument playing) can aid the recovery of cognitive, motor, and communicative functions, enhance mood, and induce neuroplasticity changes in the recovering brain after stroke and brain injury.

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Tarif : 10€ - 5€ (étudiants)